Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today from Twitter

What happens if I plug a couple placecasting terms into the Twitter search box to see what people are talking about today?

  • I learn that the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia has made a nice audio tour of their museum for kids.  You can rent an iPod when you're there or download the tracks as MP3 for free before you go.  You can also hear the tracks easily on their Web site while you look at the images you'd see in the museum.  Each audio stop is brief and open-ended.  Most end with a question like "What do you think will happen next?"  (via ArtGalleryofNSW, image from their Web site)
  • I see that both Cantigny Park and Museum in Illinois and the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development are apparently considering creating cell phone tours.  Today they asked Twitter followers for feedback.  Hey, Tennessee, I think audio touring would be a great way to develop your tourists!  (via McCormickMuseum and TNVacation)
  • It seems Plan2Go -- which appears to be a travel agency in Cyprus -- has discovered that the Grand Canyon offers cell phone placecasts along the South Rim.  The tweet reads "Grand Canyon cell phone audio tour implented (sic)".  I can't tell how new the tours actually are, though the LA Times was excited about the first ones in 2008.  At any rate, it's all news to me and I'll make a point to dial up and review the tour someday soon.  Cyprus and the Grand Canyon are 7,070 miles apart.  Roughly. (via plan2go)
  • Finally, I learn there is a company in Belgium that sells audio tours of Antwerp, Brugges and Maastricht for 6 euros.  It's called Head to Foot and its tweets lead me to believe the team spends a lot of time out of the office. There are lots of companies like this in Europe, which works out well because there are so many walkable cities there!  But I question how many are very well done...  What's your experience? (via headtofoot)
Those are my discoveries from the last few hours of tweets.  It just proves that, indeed, people all over the world are thinking about placecasting.

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